Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
PCA 2023: Foundation Cigar Company (Audio)
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Foundation Cigar Company often themes its cigars around different cultures. Over the years, the branding of Foundation has paid homage to the cultures of Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Egypt, Jamaica, and England as well as Melillo's home state of Connecticut. That continued in 2023 as the owner Nicholas Melillo's company's new releases honored Nicaragua, Ethiopia, and Connecticut. A couple of the releases showcased this year were quite personal for Melillo, as there is a release honoring Melillo's grandfathers and one for a special honor that Melillo received from the country of Ethiopia. Foundation has worked with the Aganorsa and AJ Fernandez's factories to handle his production. This year, the focus was on the AJ Fernandez-produced brands.
Full PCA Report: https://wp.me/p6h1n1-qlf